The East of Madagascar

A tour of the East of Madagascar gives you several options. The beautiful greenery of the rain forest explains the name known as ??the Green East ?? home of different species of lemurs; Andasibe National Park (NP) where the ??INDRI INDRI?? awakes you every morning with its morning call. You will be amazed by this animal. The indri is the largest living lemur of Madagascar standing 1-meter-high and weighing up to 8 Kilos with its almost invisible tail. Appart of the Andasibe National Park, there are several other nature reserves. Secondly, the hideaway romantic Peninsula of Ankanin?ny Nofy. The name means ?? a Nest of a Dream??. This unique place is at the same time a relaxing and a wildlife discovery. This Peninsula is the best place to observe the rare night active lemur called Aye aye. Last but not least, a whale watching in Ste Marie?s Island between the months of July and September. Delight yourself in the unforgettable and magical sight of the mothers and calves.