
Ranomafana National Park

Ranomafana National Park is a lush and biodiverse national park located in the southeastern part of Madagascar. The park was established in 1991 to protect the unique biodiversity of the region, including its rich flora and fauna. Here are some key features and information about Ranomafana National Park:

Biodiversity: Ranomafana is renowned for its incredible biodiversity, with a variety of ecosystems ranging from lowland rainforests to montane forests. The park is home to a wide array of plant and animal species, some of which are rare and endemic to the region.

Flora: The park boasts a diverse range of plant life, including numerous species of ferns, orchids, and medicinal plants. The lush vegetation contributes to the park's overall scenic beauty.

Fauna: One of the main attractions of Ranomafana is its diverse wildlife. The park is inhabited by several lemur species, such as the golden bamboo lemur and the greater bamboo lemur. It's also home to various species of chameleons, frogs, and a multitude of bird species.

Thermal Springs: The name "Ranomafana" means "hot water" in Malagasy. The park is known for its thermal springs, which are not only scenic but also provide a habitat for certain species of aquatic life.

Research and Conservation: Due to its ecological significance, Ranomafana National Park has become a focal point for scientific research and conservation efforts. Researchers study the unique ecosystems and species found within the park, contributing valuable information to global biodiversity conservation.

Visitor Experience: The park offers hiking trails of varying difficulty levels, allowing visitors to explore its diverse landscapes. Experienced guides lead tours, providing insights into the flora, fauna, and conservation efforts in the area.

Ranomafana National Park is not only a haven for nature lovers and researchers but also plays a crucial role in the conservation of Madagascar's unique and threatened ecosystems.

Article source: ChatGPT


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People gives us lot's of appreciation

Eleni & Alex MADAGASCAR Adventure from 03rd till 10th of June 2018: (Israel)

We would like to thank you and your team and especially, Fabrice for the amazing trip in Madagascar. We spent a week in your beautiful country and I have no words to express our satisfaction and great feelings after that experience. We are very happy for having chosen Gassitours to organize our trip because everything went really well and you offered us the chance to visit amazing places, to experience new activities and to feel the real country! The tour was absolutely what we have imagined and, in many cases, what we did and we saw, exceeded our expectations. Everything was organized in great detail and we felt very comfortable and safe from the first moment. Finally, a few words for our guide, Fabrice who made this experience unique. He is a great tour guide, he is very professional and polite and at the same time, he is very friendly and pleasant, making the visitors feel really comfortable. He was excellent during all the trip, trying to understand our needs and find the best way to satisfy them.
Once again, thank you very much for the experience and we will recommend your agency to everyone we know and wants to visit Madagascar! We hope to come back in the future and visit other parts of the country.

Best regards,

KEITH BEAVAN (kbeavan(at) TRIP TO MADAGASCAR FROM 29th of March till 25th of April 2018 (USA)

In business and pleasure, I have been to more than 100 countries (my wife has been to many too) and I found the team of guides in Madagascar probably the most consistently good of any I have been with. While not surprisingly the accommodation in remote areas was somewhat « rustic », overall, the lodges were at least 4 star, clean, comfortable and serving very good dishes. I had expected to see lemurs up in the canopy, for long range camera shots. In the event they were « coming out of my ears », some near the lodges « habituated » sufficiently to stroke (with banana bait). The remarkable Aye-Aye, a prime wish for any tourist, were seen close up on a night walk, and easily photographed as they fed on coconuts. The nocturnal fossa also turned up (two of them) at one lodge in the day- time and co-operatively posed. Fabulous scenery too. Whole month-long tour certainly among the top few of all my trips. Plus the satisfaction of knowing that the money for the trip remained on the island since Gassitours Madagascar is wholly owned, run and guided by Malagasy. Enthusiastic unqualified recommendation!

Erez Reinshmidt Family TRIP TO MADAGASCAR FROM 23/03/2018 TILL 12/04/2018 (Israel)

We had a dream for many years to travel to Madagascar and discover the wonders of this country that we could only imagine through resources we reviewed. Belaza and the Gassitours team helped us to make the dream come true. We are a family with 3 children who have special requirements in our areas of interest and also limited food restrictions. Gassitours provided solution to any of our requirements and offered a program that relates to a wide range of our interests. From the planning stage to the implementation, including a response to unexpected things that arose during the trip, Gassitours were always there.

I would like to mention Belaza, T’ooki and Fabrice the guides that accompanied us, the guides at each of the sites and the tireless driver who also named T’ooki, who drove many hours and brought us safely to any destination. Thanks to this team, we were able to experience all the beauty and fun Madagascar has to offer/ In each of the various sites we visited during the trip, we enjoyed meeting people, amazing nature and animals that captivated our hearts.

The staff also made sure to let us enjoy excellent hotels and local restaurants and even helped us to return home with beautiful souvenirs that remind us of the wonderful experience we went through.

It is important to note that we contacted several tourist companies before the trip and Gassitours impressed us from the very first moment with a precise response and a versatile program, so we had no doubts about which company to choose. We would be happy to warmly recommend anyone who is interested in having a similar experience. Since returning from the trip we have been encouraging more people not to miss this great opportunity.


Arabulucu & Av. H?lya SAPMAZ CAN 1728 Sk. No:24/1 Karsiyaka - ?ZM?R GSM: 0533 7329073 Karsiyaka V.D. 13996729848 (Madagascar trip from 20/01/2018 till 05/02/2018) (Turkey)

Dear Belaza and Gassitours team;

Thank you for our astonishing trip. Belaza was very well organised. We were group of 11 adults and ages between 45-65. We loved Madagascar its nature and people them self. Rain forest as a must see.. We get contact with Beleza after i found web page in web. So I have checked all trip avdisor feedback about him. He was absolutely wonderfull. We had start to exchange mails 6 months before our planned trip date. So I had many question and he responed them all patiently. He planed tailormade trip for us according to our preferances and our budget. We had 15 days in Madagascar it was all wonderfull . Whatever we ask for he made everything possible. We had a van and followed Rd. 7 and ended up on Ifaty.

At the begining of exchanging mails with him we had many suspicion about sending money abroad to whom we don’t know anything about. But it was turn out wonderfully. He and his equipe are so honest and handy people. If i go Madagascar again i wouldn’t hesistate to choose gassi tours…. Before your trip just think what you want to do or see in Madagascar and he will handle it smoothly and make it real…
Thanks again

Best Wishes


ESTHER ZHANG EMAIL: (Two Travelers from US, August 2017)

Dear travel mates,

We just came back from our 19 days of adventure in Madagascar. We are convinced that going with a local guide having a tailorized itinerary to meet your interests is one of the best way to see Madagascar.
We visited national parks and private reserves, sandy beach and rain forest, natural wonders and world cultural heritage sights, big cities and small towns, luxury resort and local fishing village, private and public university as well as village school. Of course, we had seen many species of lemurs, unique flora and fauna, even had lemurs landed on us and ate bananas from our hands. We visited people’s home, zebu market, and ate local food. We had experienced much more than we had hope for.

Thanks for Belaza and Gassitour who made this possible. We were fortunate that Belaza, the founder and owner of this local run company guided us for the first 9 days of the trip and also saw us off. He speaks fluent French and English, knows all 18 dialects of the country, who is passionate about his work and his mission, loves his country and knows the culture. My husband called him a walking dictionary.
I contacted him based on other traveler?s review. It was very easy working with him from the very beginning. He returned my email immediately; I did some research about places/regions to visit and lodging options and we quickly drafted our itinerary. Within weeks I sent the deposit through Western Union. He bought the domestic tickets right the way, booked hotels and we had a 4×4, a driver and a knowleble English-speaking guide waiting for us. Unexpectedly each place we went, we also were given a local guide.

Two nights hotels cancelled our booking after we were in the country, but getting an alternative was not a problem even in the peak season. We were well taken care of by him and his team from beginning to the end.

It was an unforgettable journey for us, if you need to find someone to help you realize your dream, you need to look no further. We highly recommend Gassitours Madagascar.

Valerie J. JAMES. EMAIL: (UKe-mail)

Having visited the magical island of Madagascar in 1990, I was reticent to return due to the bad publicity re. deforestation. I shouldn’t have worried, there are many more national parks now, and the protection level of the unique flora and fauna is high (albeit the Chinese are taking out rosewood in Masoala Peninsular – and given permits by the Madagascan government to do so – unbelievable). That said, a visit to Madagascar is a must – it is comparable, but better in my opinion, to The Galapagos. And if you are going that distance then you have to have one of the best wildlife guide / organiser – and that is Belaza of Gassitours. Belaza and I exchanged many emails beforehand to fine-tune the itinerary for our fabulous trip in May 2015, and it was well worth putting the effort in as the holiday was exceptional – and I have extremely high standards ! We saw all the creatures we wanted to including the fossa, the stunning red ruffed lemurs, the gorgeous indri with their haunting calls, the aye aye who was on the brink of extinction, the tiniest iguana which is just about the size of the top of your thumb, etc. etc. I would stongly recommend including Anjayjavi, the Masoala Peninsular, and Palmarium (a must to see the wild aye aye).